2020-02-11 – “collect ’em all” (9)

(2020-02-11) f'reak
now with more inclusions!

It’s been a while since I’ve added to this series. Indeed, I was stunned to see that it had been (with the exception of a double-duty drawing from Inktober 2019) almost TWO YEARS since I’d done one of these parodies.

I started this one last summer, when Maia and her friend Rachel had the Wawa F’real monkey on their backs something fierce. I’m never sure about “cheating” and using the computer to add lettering, but I’m pleased with how it worked here. It’s almost a requirement any time I need white text.

Had a surprisingly hard time thinking of crap to put in the ice cream. Should have put a mushroom or two. Used the wrong magic marker for the bone, which should be white and not grey. Oh, well. I do like the tentacle and the hand.