2020-10-27 – music

Well turn it up!

A fun one to draw, mostly because of the album covers.

I chose badly for my skin tone so had to amend that with the computer. Fortunately, the limited editing tools were sufficient to add in “hair.”

Took a liberty here: there was never a vinyl version of The Sugarplastic’s “Bang, The Earth Is Round” (there really should be), but it amused me to put one on the shelf.

2019-10-14 – overgrown

10-14 overgrown
in loving memory of a name

Anything can be overgrown, I suppose, but the changing color of the leaves, the bite in the air, and the Halloween decorations everywhere make me think of a neglected graveyard.

The writing on the left gravestone is supposed to be unreadable. But it’s readable enough to be impressed (and a little scared) of that person’s life span.

2019-04-13 – RSD, bitches!

(2019-04-13) record store day
EVERY day is Record Store Day!

The plan had not been to draw a cartoon for Record Store Day. In fact, I’d been thinking about a record shopping–themed drawing for a long time. This one was fully sketched, with a little inking already done, when I realized that today was Record Store Day. So I used that as motivation to finish. So, yay!

This one was fun to draw, especially the albums—got to put the Tombows to the test. Matching colors was harder than I expected, largely because I have a Crayola 8-pack sense of color. Yeah, the visible records magically changed from frame to frame. Sue me.

It was important to me to get the likenesses of the enabler characters, and I’m reasonably pleased with how they came out (at least in frame 3).