Nopps (1990) – Marty Frammaker

Missing: stale gum

Opening a new untapped vein of cartoons here: baseball cards for the fictitious players that have toiled in a tabletop game I’ve been playing since 1979 with my friend Eric.

Explaining this league (known simply as “League”) would take too long for a single blog entry. Suffice to say, the names of every player come from our fertile and not infrequently demented imaginations. Quite often, there is special “real-world” significance to the name. For example, this guy is a tribute to my mother (“Marty”), who ran a frame shop (“frame maker”). The number of hours Eric and I have lost spent making up names and player back stories…well, it’s probably not a coincidence that neither of us have made our fortunes and retired.

A lot of the fun of making these cards is matching the style of various Topps releases (my preference is for the years Eric and I were collecting baseball cards–this one is the 1977 design), which involves researching/finding fonts and pushing the limits of my image-editing skills.

I also enjoy coming up with twisted versions of the banal factoids that the Topps cards always featured, so this little hobby even scratches the creative writing itch a bit.

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