2019-10-16 – wild

10-16 wild

When I saw this prompt, I had no trouble tying it in with baseball. Indeed, the first thing that came to mind was a random drawing from my college-era (1984–1988) sketch pad. As it happened, the drawing wasn’t finished (the casualty and his first responders had not been inked in), so I took care of that and decided to just go with it.

While I was finishing this one up, I remembered a similar scene from Bull Durham and wondered whether that had been the inspiration for this drawing. But Bull Durham came out in 1988, and (as near as I can tell) this was drawn in about 1986. I did not sign or date drawings back then, but the other drawings on this page in the sketch book were of  (among other things) intramural volleyball and ideas I was working on when I did cartoons for The Acorn (college newspaper), so I’m pretty confident of the date.