2021-10-11 – sour

Wow, that’s sour!

I used to love sour candy; now it just hurts my mouth. Nevertheless, candy is (probably predictably) the first place this prompt took me. I’d just finished the “pick” drawing, and I liked how that one came out, so Booger Boy gets a curtain call. If you look closely, you can see that he didn’t have the time (or inclination) to clean up between “shoots.”

I actually have no idea what shape Warheads are–they may be individually wrapped. But this ain’t a courtroom, and rules of evidence are looser here.

2020-10-03 – bulky

(Haribo) Fruit Salad…yummy, yummy (h/t The Wiggles)

There was no problem coming up with an offbeat idea for THIS word. I don’t know if Mr. Bulky is around anymore, but once there wasn’t a mall without one. I always thought it was an off-putting name for a candy store.

This drawing wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I was worried that the bins full o’ candy would take a long time, but I’m holding to the Don’t Agonize edict, so it went pretty easily.

I don’t know that I am “supposed” to use color for Inktober drawings, but it seemed wrong to not color the pieces of sweet delicious Haribo Gummy Fruit Salad.

For the trainspotters: the candies are Jujubes, Red Hot Dollars, [unnamed], [unnamed], Wacky Wafers, Wow That’s Sour (don’t ask–it was a candy test-marketed, in Connecticut at least, in the 80s; it’s a longstanding joke with my friend Squally), Boston Baked Beans, Zotz, Lemonheads, Now and Laters, Necco Wafers, and Razzles (RAZZLES!). If memory serves, that last one is first a candy and then a gum. Also, they were reformulated recently and are abjectly terrible. But it took me jamming several packs into my mouth to come to that conclusion.