2023-10-08 – trick or (re)treat! (part 1)

I’ve been so focused on catching up on the backlog of Inktober drawings that I forgot I can upload OTHER pictures and talk about OTHER things here, too. This is a good thing, because I could use a good outlet right about now.

Unfortunately, there’s a greater-than-usual need for discretion with this post (and any follow-ups). So though it’s not like my little corner of the interwebs sees much action, you just never know who may happen by…

If you’re interested in reading the post that actually goes with this drawing, leave a comment (and your email address, assuming I don’t already know you and have it) and let me know. I’ll send it to you.

2021-13, 15, 17 – roof, helmet, collide

The Roof! The Roof! The Roof is…out by a mile.

Meet Brad Roof, veteran first baseman for the Aberdeen Gliders. He’s 32-ish (but an old 32-ish), a pretty good righty hitter, a bad fielder, and slow as molasses. He’s definitely reached the designated-hitter-against-lefties stage of his workmanlike career.

Brad Roof is also lucky that the words “helmet”–and particularly “collide”–were on the 2021 Inktober prompt list, because at the concept stage, this was going to be a picture of him grabbing his helmet in anguish after being called out on strikes. He goes out with a little more dignity here.

When I draw pictures of players from my tabletop baseball league (League), I usually “know” who everyone is. Atypically, I have no thoughts as to who the catcher here is or even where this game is taking place. I don’t think it’s in Aberdeen. The South Dakota one, by the way.

As so many are, this was a drawing that took me forever to sit down to, as I expected it would take a long time. It didn’t. So, yay, a rare Inktober threefer.

I expect this one will eventually show up again in the fledgling Nopps series.