2021-10-04 – knot

Marry place

I staggered the Inktober prompts to post this one today.

Can’t believe it was almost a quarter century ago that this all went down in Bow.

The actual event was rather more well attended than what is shown here. Mom and Sim! are looking on (and probably amazed that this day ever came). Debbie Steiner is also here (front-most guest on left). The other attendees shown here are just generic extras.

Representing the wedding party, left to right, are Debi, Bram, Eric, and Bill. It’s a terrible likeness of the latter, even by my standards. I’ve done better.

Oh, and here’s the debut of my suit. It was in better shape then.

In case the reference to the prompt word is too obscure: it’s “tying the knot.”

Of course, this one is dedicated to Lisa. Happy anniversary!

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